Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Los Viajes Comienzan

**AUTHOR’S NOTE** Here begin the archives of my travels. All dates shown on the blogs are the original dates in which these pieces were sent out to family and friends as bulk e-mails. All titles of the blogs are obviously written in Spanish. I do not offer translations for the titles. You all can exercise your brains and find translations. May I suggest During my time in Guatemala, I lived in Panajachel, Lago Atitlan, but I also traveled around for about 3 weeks. I saw Tikal, Livingston, Coban, as well as, northern Honduras and the ruins in Copan. Writings from these travels, however, have been lost. Thank you and enjoy.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Well, I am here and safe. I arrived in Guatemala this morning at 5am and taxied to Antigua. It took me awhile to find a hotel that was open that early, but finally I did. I have just been wandering around the cobblestone streets aimlessly, getting lost, getting
Holas, but not buying anything, thank god.

Anyway, I was scared to come to Guatemala on my plane ride, but now that I am here...I think I am going to love it. I can’t wait to be able to speak Spanish. It’s cool because every time I stop on the street to consult my Lonely Planet somebody stops to ask me if i need help, whether it be tourist or local. Everyone seems to be really nice or in their own little world. I was a little worried that I would be getting harassed in that machismo way Latin men are so famous for, but it
has not been bad. If I ignore them they don't bother me.

I plan to head up to the highlands to a place called
Xela, but every local here tells me how cold it is up there. ¡Lucky for me I forgot my jacket! ¡And my camera! I know I will just have to buy a jacket and a camera, but it is hard to spend 100Q on a camera, but c'est la vie. I mean, es la vida. Xela is where I will take language classes and hopefully volunteer for a street school for street kids, working in the office or something.

Traveling is so fun, I must say. All the different sights, noises and smells (even if it is car
exhaust). I do miss everyone and I am still trying to find my rhythm being a solo traveler and all. I am just laying low for now...

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